
Q: I want something changed on my poster...is that OK? How do I ask?
A: Click the link to 'request a redo'. ^^

Q:Where do I find my review/poster?
A: Review<3

Q: Does this cost?
A: Nope. It absolutely 100% free~!

Q: How did you come up with name Pandromeda?
A: Kristi (ljoeholic), my lovely co-admin and friend, created it. I am picky, so I couldn't choose. Thanks to her, Pandromeda, is a GO~ ke ke ^^
It is a combination of 'Panda' and 'Andromeda'.
Q: My story is rated...is that OK?
A: Yes, as long as the reviewer you chose takes rated stories. Otherwise, she will deny and it will go to another reviewer.

Q: Why do we have to have a password on the Request a Review form?
A: It tells us that you read the rules ^^

Have any questions you like to ask or any recommendations for our site?